This is the ninth and final blog in a series of reflective blogs on anything that Noam Kroll blogs about. This one won’t be about a specific blog that Noam has wrote, but instead a reflection on sort of everything and his blog itself. Noam Kroll, I have found to be a very knowledgeable person, I would like to talk to him in real life but his blogs will have to suffice for now. He knows a lot about editing, directing and cinematography that makes him a blog worth following. I’ve learned so much just from the 10 or so blogs that I’ve read of his and I can’t wait for him to teach me more.

Moving on to the layout of the blogs and his website in general it’s very easy to just get lost in one of his blogs that you kinda sorta had an interest in. The way he writes just seems to pull the reader and takes them on a ride of teaching. He doesn’t claim to be the best at what he does and that modes trait is what makes you want to work with the guy. The blogs go into a good amount of detail and talk about topics that I wanted to know for ages like how to colour grade. Because I am just terrible at it. All in all I think Noam Krull has an intuitive web design, great blogs but most importantly he has a very creative mind and I see no reason to not continue to follow him for the foreseeable future.